About: maria

Recent Posts by maria

Gold Rush in California: A Historical Odyssey and Investment Insight 

In the annals of history, 1848 stands out as a beacon of change and opportunity, a year when the American narrative took an unforeseen twist.  The spark that ignited this transformative journey was not a political decree or a technological breakthrough, but a glint of gold discovered by James W. Marshall at Sutter’s Mill inContinue Reading

Latin America: A Commodities Powerhouse in Transition 

Time is of the essence in the global pursuit of sustainability, and Latin America stands as a key player in shaping a greener, more environmentally responsible future. The potential of this region to take centre stage as a worldwide leader in the production and export of commodities vital for the transition to cleaner energy cannotContinue Reading

Demystifying Japanese Candlesticks: A Beginner’s Guide 

The story of Japanese candlesticks unfolds in 18th century Japan, a time when rice trading was a pivotal economic activity. Merchants and traders required a reliable method to analyse and predict price movements of rice, a commodity of immense importance. This necessity led to the development of what we now know as Japanese candlesticks.  JapaneseContinue Reading

How to Trade Silver: A Comprehensive Guide 

Silver, often referred to as the “poor man’s gold,” has captivated traders and investors for centuries due to its unique characteristics and historical significance. Recently, it has gained attention as an alternative investment, aligning with the growing interest in precious metals amid economic uncertainties and inflation concerns, highlighting its potential as a viable trading option.Continue Reading

History of gold: From ancient cultures to modern economies 

Gold, often referred to as the “King of Metals,” has consistently held a paramount position in the world’s economic landscape, transcending mere aesthetics and luxury.  A prime example underscoring gold’s critical role in the global economy lies in the significant gold reserves central banks maintain. These financial linchpins of nations uphold these reserves as aContinue Reading

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