About: maria

Recent Posts by maria

Unlocking Forex Chart Secrets: Your Trading Education, Part 2

Read Part 1 of this article to learn about the purpose of charts in Forex trading, different chart types, and how to use line charts. Bar Charts (OHLC)  OHLC stands for Open, High, Low, and Close. Bar charts are a widely used type of Forex chart that display these four key price points for eachContinue Reading

Exploring Forex Chart Types: A Trader’s Perspective, Part 1

Picture this: you’re standing on the bustling floor of a stock exchange, surrounded by traders frantically waving their arms, shouting buy and sell orders. The numbers on the screens are changing rapidly, and the stakes are high.  In the world of Forex trading, you may not be physically present on a trading floor, but youContinue Reading

Risk and Reward: The Role of Emotional Discipline in Forex Trading

Imagine a novice trader named John, eager to explore the exciting world of Forex trading. Inspired by tales of impressive profits and dreams of financial independence, he leaps into the market without a clear plan, driven by optimism and the promise of quick riches.  Initially, luck smiles upon John, with his first few trades yieldingContinue Reading

Golden Cross, Death Cross: How to Use Simple Moving Averages in Forex Trading 

Imagine you’re planning a road trip across the country. To make the journey smoother and safer, you rely on your GPS. This trusty device provides you with a simple yet powerful tool – the estimated time of arrival (ETA).  Now, think of Forex trading as a similar journey filled with twists and turns, where yourContinue Reading

The Emotional Edge in Forex Trading: Sentiment Analysis Strategies

Imagine standing amidst a sea of people at a grand concert. The electrifying music pulses through the air, and you can feel the excitement building with every beat.  As the artist hits a high note, the crowd erupts in cheers, and an aura of euphoria envelops the arena. Now, think about what happens if theContinue Reading

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